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Our Program

The Incandescent Studio is a five-week, fully online writing mentorship program for aspiring writers ("mentees") ages 11-24. 


Mentees are paired one-to-one with Mentors -- highly experienced, accomplished early-career writers eager to inspire success in the next generation of authors. Mentors create and execute a writing curriculum tailored to their Mentee's specific interests and needs, and also provide weekly one-on-one tutoring sessions, in-depth feedback and editing, and insight into the world of publication.




There are dozens of creative writing programs out there. Explore what makes ours unique.



Now in our third year of operation, we've educated two cohorts of talented mentees from around the world. Listen to their voices as they recount their transformative summer experiences.


We guarantee mentees publication through our sister mag, The Incandescent Review. Explore past student work.

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